DEC 10
Frank Dunn
TASO Football and the Tyler‑Lone Star Chapter has lost a good official and great guy. Frank Dunn
died on the afternoon of December 10 after a lengthily battle with his health.
Frank officiated football for 40 years, starting in Lubbock
while he was attending Texas Tech University and continued to call after he
moved back to his hometown of Corsicana. In 1998 he transferred to the Tyler chapter
where he continued to officiate as the head linesman on Gary Hayden’s crew.
When Gary retired, Frank became the crew chief. He retired after the 2010
Monty Gearner said, “I had the opportunity to work games
with Frank for 26 years. He was one of the best wing officials I’ve known. But
more than that, Frank was just a really good guy. He will be missed by all that
knew him”.