APR 03


This is a follow‑up to the message sent to you earlier this week concerning the Corona‑virus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act). Since our  last message, here are the actions that have taken place:

    • The TASO Legal Team continues to review the CARES Act to identify potential benefits available to our members.
    • The TASO Legislative Team has been working with the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) concerning the logistics in applying for benefits that may be available to independent contractor sports officials from the CARES Act.
    • I have had several conversations with my US Congressman Van Taylor’s office concerning the CARES Act benefits available for independent contractor sport officials.

Understand, the implementation of the CARES Act is still in the initial phases and procedures can change based on unforeseen implementation issues at both the federal and state level.  Here is what we have been able to ascertain at this point:

    • First understand that not all sports officials will qualify based on individual circumstances, but that in itself should not deter you from applying
    • To start the process, you should apply for disaster unemployment benefits at the TWC website. Be patient, just connecting to compete the disaster unemployment application will be your first challenge, the TWC is experiencing the highest volume of web hits and phone calls in it’s history. Just last Friday, March 27, the TWC received 1.7 million calls, their previous high was 60,000. On that day there were more unemployment claims filed that the entire month of February
    • Once your claim is filed, most likely your claim will be denied based to normal unemployment rules, especially if you still have a non‑officiating job
    • If your claim is denied based on the point above, your claim will then be reviewed to see if you qualify for CARES Act benefits
  • IMPORTANT – Do not list TASO as your employer, as you are independent contractor member of TASO — not an employee. Listing TASO as your employer will only delay your claim!

Your TASO Team will continue to monitor these situations and keep TASO members updated as they evolve.

Please continue to follow federal, state and local guidelines to slow the spread of this vicious virus.



Michael Fitch, Executive Director
