4‑2‑2: The change clarifies that hair adornments, such as beads, may be worn in the hair if they are secured to the head and do not present a risk of injury to the player, teammates or opponents.
Rationale: Clarifies that hair adornments can be worn in the hair if they do not endanger other players as well as being more inclusive of participants’ cultural and religious beliefs.
7‑1‑3: State association may adopt procedures to require the game be played in its entirety.
Rationale: This allows states that may require the game to be played in its entirety (for post‑season or regular season seeding play), to do so without a conflict with the current rule.
10‑1‑2f, 10‑1‑1, 10‑1‑3h (NEW): Clarifies that a player cannot score by throwing the ball into the goal.
Rationale: Defined the outcomes on a goalkeeper’s throw when throwing the ball directly or own goal.
12‑2, 11‑1‑1. 18‑1‑1s (NEW): Clarifies the upper boundary of the arm is in line with the bottom of the armpit.
Rationale: Defines the arm for the purposes of determining handling and offside.
14‑1 Penalty: Defines that an indirect free kick is awarded the defending team for an improper penalty kick.
Rationale: Penalizes the kicking team for not kicking the ball forward on penalty kick.
17‑1‑2: Defines proper distance for the opposing team from a corner kick restart.
Rationale: Clarifies the proper distance for the opposing team on a corner kick.
2022 Editorial Changes
4‑1‑1, 11‑1‑4b 2022
Points of Emphasis
- Strategic Time Wasting Techniques
- Penalty Kick
- Dissent
- Sportsmanship