NFHS 2019 Baseball Rules Changes
1. Rule 6‑1‑3
“…For the set position, the pitcher shall have the ball in either his gloved hand or his pitching hand. His pitching hand shall be down at his side or behind his back. Before starting his delivery, he shall stand with his entire non‑pivot foot in front of a line extending through the front edge of the pitcher’s plate and with his entire pivot foot in contact with or directly in front and parallel to the pitcher’s plate…”
Note: The word “entire” was eliminated.
This eliminates the requirement for the entire pivot foot to be in contact with or directly in front of the pitcher’s plate. Many pitching mounds are such that it is problematic for a pitcher to have his entire pivot foot in contact with the pitcher’s plate. No advantaged is gained by having some of his pivot foot off the pitcher’s plate.
2. Rule 1‑31
The effective date for all high school competition baseballs has been moved to January 1, 2020. (Back one season). This is now the same date that the catcher’s chest protector is to implemented. Some states stated that their schools had a high level of baseball inventory and needed the extra season to use them.
1. 5‑1‑1
No longer will the ball be immediately dead when a ball is “lodged” in a player’s glove. The player may take his glove, with the ball in it, and toss it to another fielder to record a force out at a base.
2. 6‑2‑4d1
If the pitcher, with a runner on base, stops or hesitates in his delivery because the batter steps out…
The condition applies regardless of whether runners are on base.
3. 8‑2‑6 I.
Last Time By. If a runner correctly touches a base that was missed (either on advancing or returning), the last time h was by the base, that last touch corrects any previous baserunning infraction. (Exception: 8‑4‑2q)
4. 8‑3‑1al
There is a balk (5‑1‑1a, 6‑1‑4, 6‑2‑4) or a pitch strikes a runner (5‑1‑1a 6‑1‑4)
The references were reversed.
5. 8‑4‑2h1
If a batter‑runner safely touches first base and then over slides or overruns it, except on a base on balls, he may immediately return to first base without liability to be tagged out, provided he did not attempt to run or feint to second.
Missed change in 2017.
• USA Bats
NFHS does not adhere to USA bat compliance. Any bat that is disapproved only by the USA bat standard does not impact NFHS play.
• C‑Flap
Is not legal for NFHS play. The addition of a C‑Flap voids the NOCSAE certification thus making the helmet illegal. The helmet must be NOCSAE tested with the C‑Flap to be authorized. If a C‑Flap is removed from the helmet, the helmet remains illegal; it now has holes in it that were not there at testing. In 2019 the Rawlings helmet that was tested with a C‑Flap
will be okay for use.
1. Sportsmanship
Baiting, taunting, celebrations, comments to other team and officials.
2. Compliance of Player’s Equipment
a. NOSCAE seal and stamp:
a. On helmets
b. Baseballs in 2020
c. Catcher chest protector in 2020
b. Coach verification at pre‑game meeting
3. Baserunner’s Responsibilities
a. Baserunners are to adhere to rule 8, touch bases advancing and returning.
b. Legal Slides
c. Diving and hurdling
d. Malicious contact