Corpus Christi – The shortage of officials in every sport have taken a toll on existing officials. Many have worked long hours and extra days to cover games so that high school and middle school youth can still enjoy the sports they love. To celebrate and honor the hard work and dedication of officials around the Coastal Bend, officials from all chapters of all sports are being invited to a Corpus Christi Hooks game on June 12, 2022. “The goal of the event is to give our community a chance to recognize the hard work of their kids’ officials,” explains David Srygley, a TASO official and event organizer. “We also hope that it will inspire others to sign up to help.”
The event will be held during the Sunday afternoon Hooks games at Whataburger Field. If all goes as planned, there will be an “Information Table” at the top of the stands and at least one announcement of the TASO group during the game. Officials will be asked to wear either TASO apparel or local chapter shirts to increase the exposure. With hundreds of officials walking around in their TASO shirts, people can’t help but be curious.
Any and all TASO officials, regardless of their sport or chapter location, may purchase discounted tickets for the game for only $12. As a bonus, Sundays are $1 hot dogs and soft drinks, so this is a great time to celebrate all the hard work with family and friends. If your chapter would like to be involved, contact David at davidsrygley@gmail.com.