TO: TASO Baseball, Soccer, and Softball Members
We are in uncharted waters and like you, I am concerned about the effect of the coronavirus, not only about the impact it is having around the world, but specifically how it will affect the safety of our TASO and the amateur athletes we serve.
I am in close contact with the UIL, the Texas High School Coaches Association, Texas Girls Coaches Association, and Texas High School Athletic Directors Association as we all monitor this rapidly changing situation. Additionally, we are in communication with the Governor’s office as well as the Department of Health and Human Services. It is my understanding that currently, any decision to cancel a high school athletic event resides with the two schools involved. That may change if the Governor or TEA commissioner step in and make a state‑wide decision.
In the meantime, as an independent contractor, it is up to you to accept any assignment and to use common sense regarding your safety. Please exercise caution comparable to flu prevention.
It is OK to keep hand sanitizer with you on the field to use as you deem necessary.
As things change, I will be back in communication with our members.
Michael Fitch, Executive Director