MAY 06

TASO Board of Directors Meeting Summary

At the recent TASO Board of Directors there were changes approved to the
TASO By‑Laws and other TASO Policies.
Here is a summary of the changes:


TASO By‑Laws: There were several editorial changes, but the significant
changes are:

  • All
    Chapters must have a copy of their by‑laws on file in the TASO office. Chapters
    shall have a copy of a current monthly chapter financial report, including bank
    statements, on file at the chapter level and make it available to the chapter’s
    Board of Directors and Active Members. A Division may require Chapters to
    submit their chapter financial reports to the TASO Division Board.
  • Currently when a member is arrested or charged with a criminal offense,
    greater than a traffic violation resulting in only a fine, the member must self‑report
    within 72 hours and is suspended pending the results of the charge.  This has not changed, however if the charge
    is a Class C misdemeanor, the TASO Membership Review Committee (MRC) may review
    on a case‑by‑case basis and the MRC may allow the member to continue to be
    assigned games/matches.  The member
    should request an MRC review.
  • If a member is on probation, deferred adjudication or any other type of
    supervision for a Class C misdemeanor, the MRC may review on a case‑by‑case
    basis and allow the member to continue with game/match assignments.  If a member is on probation, deferred adjudication,
    or any other type of supervision for any felony, Class A or B misdemeanor, the
    member is ineligible for TASO membership until released from probation, deferred
    adjudication or supervision and submitted the release papers to the MRC for
    review.  The MRC can be reached at
  • A Division District Director may be elected for up to four two year
    terms, however a TASO Division may limit the number of consecutive terms to two
    or three.
  • The Volleyball Division now has a President‑Elect position.  That position will be filled at the next
    officer elections.


Code of Conduct:

  • Minor editorial changes.


Dues Refund Policy:

  • Provides that when full dues are refunded, $5 may be withheld to cover
    credit card fees and administrative fees.
  • If a renewal member’s membership is declined by the MRC, a 50% refund
    will be available.  If the denial is
    based on a criminal arrest or conviction that was not disclosed as required under
    the by‑laws, there is no refund.


Policies and Procedures for Ethical Complaints and Other Violations:

  • Before an investigator is assigned, the TASO Executive Director and
    Division President may ask for written statements from all complainants and
    responders.  After reviewing, the
    Executive Director and Division President will determine if an investigator is


Dues Owed Policy:

  •  This
    is a new policy relating to members that do not pay the correct amount of dues
    or owe dues for any reason. Individuals who pay the incorrect amount of dues,
    or owe dues will be provided one notice that additional payment is
    needed.  If the shortage is not paid, the individual is made Inactive and
    access to Arbiter and the TASO member’s portal will be removed.  A fee of
    $25.00, as well as the shortage must be paid to be returned to Active status.


TASO Social Media Policy:

  • The TASO Board of Directors has been concerned about the misuse of
    social media pertaining to officiating.  The
    Board has adopted a Social Media Policy, which may be found by clicking HERE.
    All members should review and abide by this policy.


All TASO Policies may be found HERE.
