JUL 28
August 20, 2021
- The UIL and TAPPS have determined that each individual school district or private school will establish their own mitigation guidelines. TASO Chapters should communicate with each school district and school to determine their requirements. This information should be communicated to chapter If a TASO member is uncomfortable with a school’s guidelines, the member may block assignments to that school.
- If a player, coach, or anyone else associated with the team is confirmed COVID positive within 72 hours of a contest, the school should notify the chapter who shall in turn notify the officials involved in the
- If an official is confirmed COVID positive within 72 hours of a contest the chapter will notify the schools involved and other chapter members that were assigned to the game/match.
- The wearing of face coverings while the game is being played, meeting with coaches, within locker rooms and to/from locker rooms is each official’s option. However, a school district or individual school may require the wearing of face coverings, gloves or any other COVID related requirement.
- Officials must self‑screen for COVID symptoms before each game or match
- If an official is confirmed positive for COVID and/or have COVID symptoms, they must notify their chapter and may not be assigned matches or games until they meet the criteria for re‑entry.
- Re‑entry Protocol – Any official who experiences the symptoms of COVID must not accept games or matches throughout the infection period and cannot return to officiating until ALL THREE of these criteria are satisfied:
- at least one day (24 hours) has passed since recovery (resolution of fever without the use of fever‑reducing medications)
- the individual has improvement in symptoms (e.g., cough, shortness of breath); and
- at least ten days have passed since symptoms first appeared.
- If the official has symptoms that could be COVID and wants to return to officiating before completing the above criteria, the official must either obtain a medical professional’s note clearing the individual for return based on an alternative diagnosis or obtain an acute infection test at an approved testing location that comes back negative for
- Officials who test POSITIVE for COVID must present a negative COVID test conducted by a healthcare professional or a State authorized testing facility before they can return to officiating assignments. Results from over‑the‑counter self‑testing kits are not acceptable
- If an official has had close contact with someone who has COVID, they should closely monitor for symptoms for 14 days after the last day
We all understand just how fast the COVID situation can change so these guidelines may be revised as the 2021‑2022 seasons progress.
Please send any questions to info@taso.org.