OCT 18


The UIL Legislative Council met on Sunday, October 16, 2017 0 Monday October 17, 2016.  The Legislative Council is the rule and policy making body for the UIL.  As always, I was there representing the 14,500 TASO members.

There was only one proposal that directly affected officials, and it is not a big issue.  Sub‑Section (v) was added to Section 1204 of the UIL Constitution and Contest Rules.  In summary it states that if there is a dispute concerning scratches, payments, assignments, etc. and the dispute cannot wait until the next scheduled meeting of the Sports Officials Committee (SOC), the UIL Executive Director or his/her designee, after consulting with the Chairman of the Sports Officials Committee, will take any necessary and reasonable action in the short term and refer the matter to the SOC for consideration at their next meeting.  This is no different than these types of situations are currently handled, this merely codifies the process.  These situations are rare and I am always involved, working on behalf of our members.  This becomes effective August 1, 2017.

You may remember that in 2011, in response to the financial cuts by the Texas Legislature, the UIL reduced the number of tournaments in all team sports, except football, by one.  The Legislative Council voted to restore the one lost tournament, subject to a referendum vote by the school superintendents.   This means that all superintendents will vote up or down to restore the lost tournament, majority rule.  If passed this would be effective August 1, 2017.

The Legislative Council also took action to limit the number of pitches per day for a baseball pitcher, and require a certain number of days’ rest based the number of pitches. Umpires will not be involved in counting the number of pitches or the required number of days’ rest.

Even though they do not affect officiating, there were also proposals from the Policy Committee that concern athletics in general.  I have attached a document that contain all of the proposals from the athletic and Policy Committees.


