2‑14 (NEW): By state association adoption, effective with the 2022‑2023 season, member state associations may establish a shot clock in which the team in control shall attempt a try for field goal within 35 seconds after gaining team control. ART. 1 This shall be regulated by a visible shot clock. ART. 2 The tap or try for field goal shall leave the shooter’s hand before the expiration of time and subsequently strike the basket ring or enter the basket before or after the shot clock period has expired.
Rationale: This proposal allows each state to authorize the use of the shot clock as a state adoption. The use of the guidelines, provided in the rules book, encourage standardization among those who choose to adopt.
3‑5‑4e (NEW): Head coverings worn for religious reasons shall not be made of abrasive or hard materials; and must fit securely so that it is highly unlikely to come off during play. NOTE: The State Association shall be notified, after the contest, if there is a concern about a head covering worn for religious reasons.
Rationale: The addition of this provision allows for religious head coverings to be permitted without state association approval provided they are secured properly and not made of abrasive or hard materials.
3‑5‑4f EXCEPTION: Head decorations and headwear, except those specified above, are prohibited. EXCEPTION: State associations may on an individual basis permit a player to participate while wearing a head covering if it meets the following criteria:
a. In the event a participant is required by a licensed medical physician to cover the head with a covering or wrap, the physician’s statement is required before the state association can approve a covering or wrap which is not abrasive, hard or dangerous to any other player and which is attached in such a way that it is highly unlikely to come off during play.
Delete: b. For religious reasons: In the event there is documented evidence provided to the state association (or designee) that a participant may not expose his/ her uncovered head, the state association may approve a covering or wrap which is not abrasive, hard or dangerous to any other player and which is attached in such a way it is highly unlikely to come off during play.
Rationale: The playing rules were modified to add a provision that allows for religious head coverings to be permitted without state association approval.
The MANUAL‑ Part 3 SIGNALS 36 & 37: Eliminate signal #37 (Team Control Foul) Maintain use of signal #36 for Player Control and Team Control Foul
Player/Team Control Foul #36
Preceded by stop clock (Signal 4). The same hand used to stop the clock is placed at the back of the head (Signal 36). The directional signal (Signal 6) shall be given and then indicate the ensuing throw‑in spot (Signal 7).
- A common foul committed by a player while that player is in control of the ball or by an airborne shooter.
- A common foul committed by a member of the team that has control.
Rationale: It is redundant to have different signals to communicate that a foul will be charged to a member of the team in control of the ball. Officials do not understand the need to differentiate between a player control foul and a team control foul and many game participants, table personnel, and fans do not know the difference. This change would not alter any rules or rule definitions.